Nadex Adds Strikes on a Discretionary Basis for Trade Dates January 10 and 13, 2012
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, Commission Regulation §40.6(d), and by the authority granted by Nadex Rules in 12.5, 12.7, and 12.29, Nadex added additional strike levels on a discretionary basis in its Daily Gold and Silver Binary Contracts for trade date January 10, 2012 and in its Daily EUR/USD Binary Contracts for trade date January 13, 2012 due to volatility in the underlying markets on those days. Nadex returned to the regular listing schedule for its Daily Gold and Silver Binary Contracts on January 11, 2012 and plans to return to the regular listing schedule for its Daily EUR/USD Binary Contracts on January 17, 2012 (note that Nadex is closed on Monday January 16, 2012 for the Martin Luther King Jr. 2012 Holiday).