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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2020_015 - Dongqi Zheng

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2020_011 - Wenxin He

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2019_037(h) - Shangheng Cao

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2019_037(g) - Jinyu Wu

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2019_037(d) - Zhongjie Zhang

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2019_037(a) - Nuan Lin

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2020_023 - Cathy Sarrocco

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2019_037(b) - Shuk W. Hung

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2018_025 - Devin Campbell

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2020_019(c) - Jayda Villareal

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2020_019(b) - Jennifer Villareal

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchan...

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2020_019(a) - Raven Villareal

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2020_016 - Hsinchi Wu

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - INQ_2020_022 - Rafael Muzzi

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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Notice of Disciplinary Action - TPI_2021_007 - Cary Kahn

Nadex has taken disciplinary action and issued its final decision against a Member of the Exchange.

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